Tiger Chadwick

Tiger is a Kundalini yoga teacher who trained Path To Source (200+hours) in Glastonbury in 2020. She has been practicing yoga for over ten years and kundalini yoga for more than 5 years. Her experience of kundalini yoga, which is a mixture of kriya (postures), mantra and meditation is that it is deeply transformational and healing, working on the subtle body as well as the physical body, helping to release deep rooted patterns and traumas in the body and mind.

Tiger also holds a level 4 diploma in holistic bodywork and massage, which she finds helpful to understand the science behind the yoga.

A recently qualified level 1 MBCT therapist, (mindfulness based cognitive therapy) Tiger has developed her 5 year practice of the the techniques she learned using mark william’s book “finding peace in a frantic world” to bring elements of mindfulness and loving kindness into her classes, which she believes have been foundational to her kundalini practice and to her own self development.


Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

Kundalini yoga is often described as the yoga of awareness- the awareness of the breath and of sensing what is happening in the body as we move in a kundalini class, gives it the quality of a moving meditation, which allows for thoughts and feelings to arise, be processed and released.

The class will lead you through a series of postures and movements to boost your energy, using music and mantra to help to guide you, with an emphasis on the breath and on tuning into your own natural rhythm- taking each posture at your own pace. We will end with a relaxation and a short meditation to help you end your day with a calm and clear mind and a greater sense of peace.

£15 drop in class
£12 concession (student/unemployed/low wage)
£60 (pack of 5 classes)
Feel free to bring your own yoga mat and blanket as well as a block or pillow sit on although equipment is provided by the studio

You do not need any previous experience of yoga to practice kundalini – all ages and abilities are welcome


Tuesday 7.30pm - 9pm Studio 2


To book classes or make further enquiries contact the teacher: