Miranda Pole

Miranda has practiced yoga for over 20 years, many of those with a teacher of Vijana Yoga. With a background in special education Miranda was a teacher in London for many years before moving to Stroud. She originally trained to be a yoga teacher with Integral Yoga, but made the decision to retrain with Yoga On The Lane and make yoga her career after developing Long Covid. She has completed additional teacher training with The Accessible Yoga School and with Yoga Campus to become a certified meditation teacher

Miranda has a particular interest in establishing community yoga that is accessible to everyone, based on the yoga teachings of inter-connectedness. Her general classes are a combination of mindful sequences of movement, incorporating lots of options for everybody; breath practices, self-massage, restorative poses and meditation. It is her aim for everybody to be able to practice together, in community, regardless of how they access the practice. Miranda also offers classes for specific communities such as chair-based classes for people with mobility needs or older people. Practicing yoga has brought her a lot of joy and she tries to ensure classes feel good for everyone, through a compassionate, playful and explorative approach.

Mirandas’ interests are based around how nervous system regulation can support our individual well-being, but also how the many practices that contribute to nervous system regulation, including a mindful movement practice, meditation, community and connection to nature may also be a potential pathway towards a more compassionate and regenerative future.
She offers a sliding scale of payments to ensure finance is not a barrier to attending classes.

Please get in touch if you have any queries or questions.


Community Yoga

Sunday evening Flow and Restore

Sunday evening Flow and Restore classes will include steady, mindful, breath-led movement, gradually developing a sequence of movement towards a peak posture. The class will close with restorative poses, using props to support stillness and rest and will end with deep relaxation.

There will be an emphasis on developing self-awareness and self-compassion, treating yourself gently and with kindness. Classes are light-hearted and playful and I hope you will leave feeling rejuvenated and well rested, ready for the week ahead.

The class is open to all and there will be plenty of options for all bodies and levels of experience.


Sliding scale from £24 – £40 for block of 4 consecutive classes plus NHS staff discount

Sunday 7.30pm - 8.30pm Studio 1


To book classes or make further enquiries contact the teacher: