Meg Jackson

Meg went to her first yoga class around 17 years ago because she wanted arms as toned as Madonna’s. Despite hating every minute of it with a Downward Dog that needed serious attention from the vet and a Triangle Pose that had as much poise as a melted piece of Toblerone, weirdly she was hooked.

Fast forward more years than she cares to mention, and she is a Yoga Alliance 500 hours registered teacher, with an additional 200 hours learning under the guidance of world-renowned teacher Jason Crandell. She has been a regular contributor to national publication Om Yoga Magazine, taught yoga on BBC Radio 4, and posed on a wobbly plinth in a Caribbean swimming pool.

Meg has taught in drafty village halls, for massive corporations, in nation-wide gyms, award-winning spas, at various music festivals, and at internationally renowned health resorts. Today she is the founder of Real Life Yoga, a movement to help people find ways to bring a little (or a lot) of yoga into their real lives. A Gloucester girl born-and-bred, Meg is delighted to be teaching in Stroud after moving here last year and has never felt more at home!

She still doesn’t have arms like Madonna.



Yoga for Un-Bendy beginners – 10 week course

A totally un-scary introduction to yoga; learn how even the un-bendiest of bodies can build a practice, and all the positive benefits this ancient way-of-living can have for our crazy modern lives.

Always wanted to try yoga but didn’t think you were bendy enough (or thin enough, or young enough, or owned enough lycra etc.)? This is exactly what you need!

This Real Life Yoga course is a deep-dive introduction to yoga; learn how even the un-bendiest of bodies can build a practice, and all the positive benefits this ancient way-of-living can have for our crazy modern lives.

This course of ten 60 minute lessons is the perfect way to start getting to know yoga a little better, and see how it can fit in and around your Real Life. Together we’ll slowly learn basic yoga poses before exploring how they can be put into different combinations to make a ‘flow’ and help you feel fabulous!

We’ll also look at all the other ingredients which can take your time on a yoga mat from just bending your body to feeling all kinds of brilliant. We’ll learn how to use breath to work with your body (instead of against it), plus dive into some simple mindfulness practices to try and quieten that pesky mind.

PLUS you get to have a lovely lie-down and relax at the end. What’s not to love?!

Places are strictly limited, so please visit the website to book today:

There is no such things as a silly question so if you have any queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Meg either via phone or email (details below).

Real Life Yoga helps real people bring a little (or a lot) of yoga into their real lives. Absolutely no prior bendiness is required, and this class is for total yoga beginners. But please note we will be moving from standing, down to the floor, and back up again. Whilst this will be incremental, gentle and slow, if you feel this would be particularly challenging, starting to learn yoga in a class scenario such as this may not be the best option for you. Please contact Meg to discuss if you have any questions or concerns.

If you have any serious medical conditions you should check with your doctor before starting any kind of new physical activity. This class is not suitable for pregnant people

Price: £100 for the whole course. No drop-in sessions available.

Wednesday 7.30pm - 8.30pm Studio 2

The Intermediates: 10 Week Course

If you’re looking to get back on the mat after a break, or want to continue building your practice on some firm foundations, these are the perfect classes for you. Sign up today for the course, or book one of the limited drop-in places, and join the friendliest yoga gang in Gloucestershire!
Been looking for the perfect yoga class where you can take the next step in your yoga practice without being totally intimidated by Bendy Wendy behind you, or Flexible Phil on the front row?

Know your Sun Salutations from your Savasana but your Warriors are still a bit wobbly?
There are SO many different types of yoga classes out there, it can feel overwhelming to know where to go once you’ve started your yoga journey but don’t quite feel you’re ready for the full-on flow classes quite yet. Or maybe you’ve had a break from the sticky mat for a while and want to find your feet without falling flat on your asana?

These are the perfect lessons for you! Signing up for a course means you’ll get that little bit of extra motivation. Or book in for a drop-in place and work it in around your Real Life. Plus you get to connect with a lovely, friendly bunch of super supportive people who know just what you’re going through.

At the end of the 10 weeks you’ll be feeling more confident in your practice, have a deeper understanding of how to make the most of your time on the mat, and be equipped with some practical tools to take your yoga off the mat and into Real Life. And hopefully you’ll get a bit of that at the end of just one lesson too!

Places are strictly limited, so please visit the website to book today; you’ll find the link at the bottom of the page. (And there is no such thing as a silly question so if you have any queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to get in touch!)

9th March – 18th May

Price: £100 for the whole course. Or £13 for drop-ins.

Saturday 10.15am - 11.15am Studio 1


To book classes or make further enquiries contact the teacher: