Noemie Fontenelle

Having a dedicated Yoga practice since 2011 has been foundational to Noemies’ journey of growth as a human being. The daily practice of moving inwards has increased her capacity to be reflective, mindful and compassionate. “Over the years, I have grown from a place of struggling to accept myself to now enjoying and embracing who I am and what life brings my way” 

Through her experience, Noemie has developed a personal philosophy of meeting herself and others from a place of kindness, care and understanding. She believes the desire to find meaning in one’s life is universal. “Yoga, for me, has become the channel through which I can shape a more meaningful life”

Noemies’ calling to teach stems from a place of reverence at the wisdom stored within our bodies and a passion to meet people in this place. Her yoga practice, grown across the last 10 years of her life, has led her to the philosophy of Shaiva Tantra and the physical practice of Krama Vinyasa, which have become deeply embedded both on a personal and professional level.

Noemie is passionate about self-discovery and growth on a subtle body level, through the exploration of the mind-body connection, yoga philosophy, asana, chanting and pranayama. Inclusivity & accessibility are at the heart of her offerings; she advocates for a more expansive and beautiful life for each, rooted in love and compassion.

Noemie has been teaching classes for over six years and here are details of her completed trainings:

500h AYTTC in Shaiva Tantra Krama Vinyasa Yoga; Sarah Harlow & Sam Burkey

60h CPD Yoga Tantra Chakra Immersion Course; Sarah Harlow

60h CPD In Depth Anatomy and Adjustment Course; Sarah Harlow & Sam Buckey & Chris Gladwell

200h YTTC Hatha Yoga; Gaurav Malik & Kate Osman


Dynamic Flow

Soulful. Mindful. Fluid. 

Energise your body, mind and soul with this awakening breath-lead practice to begin the day. This is a fluid practice that explores a range of Āsanas (postures) focused on different aspects of body and mind centring, opening up to intuitive movement that feels natural to your body.

You will find space at the beginning of each practice to check in with yourself through guided meditation, exploring the subtle map of the body as perceived in Yogic philosophy.

The class offers a nurturing, laid-back and playful environment where you are able to connect with the postures that serve you best – encouraging you to use breath as your inner guide. Meet yourself with compassion and release habitual tension – leave feeling stronger, more flexible and nourished.

Come as you are – all levels welcome


Drop-in: £12
5 class pack: £55 (use within 8 weeks)
4 class pack: £40 (use within 4 weeks)

To book…visit Noemies website

Wednesday 7.30am - 8.30am Studio 2


To book classes or make further enquiries contact the teacher: