Rest & Unwind with Sam Bullingham

This extended practice is designed to help you find a break from the overwhelm.
This practice is suitable for everyone. In this embodied yin yoga practice postures (shapes/poses) will remain close to the floor. You will be guided to connect deeply to the breath and invited to move slowly in and out of gentle restorative poses (using blocks and bolsters to support the body). By connecting you to your senses, this practice will encourage you to check-in, not check-out.
The practice will be held by a carefully curated playlist and will finish with a deeply restorative savasana (lie down).
You do not need to have practiced yoga before. This practice is suitable for every body.
If you’re unsure if this practice is for you, email me:
Join exactly as you are! Every body is welcome
To find out more/book:
This monthly practice coincides with the new moon. A time where you may find that your energy levels are low. The perfect time to REST!
REST as an act of rebellion